Salem Film Fest presents uniquely selective, thought provoking documentary programming that fosters memorable audience and filmmaker dialogues in a creative, collaborative atmosphere while actively supporting documentary filmmaking through educational outreach, short film production and artist residencies.

Grotto Fund


Since 1983, FRONTLINE has served as American public television's flagship public affair series. Salem Film Fest is proud to present the annual Michael Sullivan FRONTLINE Award for Journalism in a Documentary Film. This annual award is named in honor of the series' long-time Executive Producer of Special Projects who passed away in 2013. A trophy and $1,000 prize is awarded to the filmmaker whose documentary most closely reflects the values Mike believed in: good filmmaking and good journalism. The award started in 2014 and has been granted to three filmmakers thus far.

Sullivan Award

The Salem Community Arts Center (SCAC) promotes the arts in Salem, MA through collaboration, programming, education, and advocacy. The SCAC is proud to be the presenter of Salem Film Fest and the administrator of the Michael Sullivan FRONTLINE Award for Journalism in a Documentary Film. We are working to build the Grotto at St Mary's Cemetery.

Salem Film Fest

Salem Community Arts Center

The Salem Community Arts Center originally formed with the purpose of saving St Mary Italian Church, purchasing it, and turning it into an arts and cultural center. Though efforts to raise the necessary funds to accomplish that goal came up short, we were able to save the two statues from the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes and other key elements from the Grotto.

We have enough monies to do initial Grotto work to erect the main statue at St Mary's Cemetery in Salem, MA. We need additional funds to restore the beheaded statue and other elements, purchase materials, and rebuild the Grotto walls.

We will be holding a fundraiser this winter and plan to seek grant funding opportunities. Read more.